Sri Lankan Date Cake Recipe


Ingredients 1 lb. Dates 1 cup of water 1 tspn bicarbonate soda (baking soda) 1/4 lb. butter 1/2 lb. sugar 1/2 lb. flour 1 tspn baking powder 3 eggs 1/2 cup milk 3 cardamoms (powdered) 1 tspn vanilla grated rind of lime OPTIONAL 2 ozs. cashews 2 ozs. sultanas (raisins) 2 ozs. pumpkin preserve (cut […]

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Ingredients 3 large eggs 225 g flour 225 g butter 225 g sugar 1 1/2 tspn baking powder 4 tbsp milk Grated rind of 1 lime or 1/2 a lime 1/4 tspn cardamom powder 1 tspn vanilla Method Sieve the flour and baking powder together and set aside. Cream the butter and sugar together. Seperate


Sri Lankan Love Cake

Ingredients1/2 lb Rulang (Semolina) 1 lb Sugar 1/4 lb Butter 1/4 wine glass Bees Honey or Golden Syrup 12 eggs 6 oz finely chopped Pumpkin Preserve 3/4 lb Cashews 1/2 oz Vanilla 1/2 oz Rose Water 1/4 oz Almond Essence 1/2 tspn each of cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg 1/4 tspn grated lemon rind 1/2 oz brandy

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