Ingredients8 oz raw rice flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 to 5 pepper corns crushed (optional)
1/2 cup water

For the syrup, 10 oz treacle or 8 oz jaggery
with 8 oz coconut milk

Sri Lankan Saw Dodol Recipe


1. Place the rice flour in a bowl and using water, make small grains as for pittu. This is done by sprinkling the water on to the flour and tossing it to form small grains.
2. The granules formed should not be more than pepper corns. Steam either in a pittu bamboo or in a steamer with a muslin cloth at the bottom.
3. Allow to cool and set aside.

Prepare a syrup with 10 oz treacle or 8 oz scraped jaggery with 8 oz of coconut milk. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

Now add ready-made pittu broken up. Stir until the mixture is thick and flatten out on a plate. Cut into any desired shape. Serve when cold.

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