By Anoma de Alwis
Two cups of raw rice (kakaulu haal)
1/2 tea spoon baking powder
1/2 tea spoon appa soda (baking soda)
2 -3 cups of Coconut milk, as required ( should be the first milk)
1 egg ( additional if egg hoppers are required)
Water from the coconut – Pol wathura ( optional)
1 tea spoon sugar
salt to taste
Wash and soak the rice in water for 1 hour; Put the rice in to the blender with a cup of Milk / coconut water and blend thoroughly. Strain in to container and repeat the process till all the rice is thinly ground and strained
Add baking powder, appa soda, and sugar and mix well. keep it covered for about 6 hours.
At the required time add the egg, salt to taste and milk to get the mixture in to the correct consistency and mix well. Get the hopper pan slightly warmed and rub oil ( any edible oil is suitable) with a piece of cloth and keep on low fire again for few minutes,
and cover with a lid. When the pan is warm pour about 1/2 coffee cup half in to the pan and holding the pan carefully spread the contents around the pan in one round. Cover with the lid and in few minutes when the hopper is done take out carefully.
If Egg hoppers are required, break an egg in to the contents just few seconds after the Hopper had been spread around; sprinkle salt / pepper over the egg. ( makes about 20 hoppers ).
Hoppers are great with Lunu miris/ Katta Sambol